Wildmoor Quarry Products Ltd
Based in Bromsgrove, Wildmoor Quarry Products Ltd are a long established sand quarry who supply bags of sand, stone, and gravel to national builders’ merchants. Some of their customers include huge companies such as Travis Perkins, Amies, and Jewson.
Since 2021, Easy Truck Material Handling Ltd have been supporting Jack Franks, Site Manager of Wildmoor Quarry, with a fleet of Toyota Forklift Trucks. The Forklifts are used to load lorries with large bags of sand, stone, and gravel ready for deliveries to builders’ merchants across the country.
After Jack’s historical Material Handling Equipment supplier stopped producing engine trucks, he began to explore his options. Initially, Easy Truck supplied 1x Diesel Counterbalance Forklift and, since then, the partnership has gone from strength to strength.
We have since added 3x Toyota Tonero Forklift Trucks, with 2 more on order, which takes the total to 4 delivered. The other 2 trucks will complete the fleet and will be delivered to the site in June.
Once completed, the full fleet will consist of 6x 2.5 tonne diesel engine Toyota Tonero 8FDF25 models. The specifications of each truck include 3.3 metre duplex masts and full steel cabins, heaters, radios, and MP3 players for enhanced driver comfort.
“We’ve been working with Bobby and the team at Easy Truck Material Handling Ltd for a couple of years. We changed our Forklift Truck fleet from our old MHE supplier to Toyota Equipment, all supplied by Easy Truck.
As a quarry the conditions are notoriously harsh and abrasive, but the Toyota trucks are up to the job in all weathers. Easy Truck are always available if we need them for Servicing or Repairs, we can’t fault their support and commitment to helping us grow.”
Jack Franks – Site Manager of Wildmoor Quarry Products Ltd

“We really enjoy working with Jack and the team of Forklift Operators at Wildmoor Quarry Products Ltd. It is a challenging environment for the fleet, but we love getting stuck in. This site really shows the quality and reliability of the Toyota product we offer.”
Kevin Ryan – Managing Director of Easy Truck Ltd

Contact Easy Truck
Based in Bromsgrove, Easy Truck is one of the fastest growing Material Handling businesses in the UK!
We are also the official Midlands area dealer for Toyota Material Handling Equipment, offering the full range of intralogistics solutions. Find out more by visiting our website or calling 01789 762 618.